Suite of Products

How can CMI help you?

iOS / Android / Web Apps
JusticeConnect - Access to our Justice Records Management System has never been easier! Download and install from the App Store and get software updates automatically.  Developed and supported by iFocus.

Records Management
Justice - Records Management System for law enforcement agencies. Built upon industry-leading Microsoft SQL Server 2012 database.

Computer-Assisted Dispatch
SQL CAD - Computer-Assisted Dispatch system allows for easy emergency dispatching of personnel and equipment. 


Jail Facility Management 
SQL JIMS - Jail Inmate Management System manages inmate tracking and billing information. 


Suspect Imaging
PhotoLineup - Generates a list of pictures that match specified criteria and then allows a user to arrange, display, and print a photo lineup card with or without the name below each picture.

Civil Processing
SQL Civil - Tracks civil processing information for Law Enforcement Agencies.